Photo of Carrie Wagner

Carrie Wagner

Middle School Counselor

  • Email Carrie Wagner
  • 920-822-6505

Since 2011, I have been one of the school counselors at PCMS. Prior to that I worked with our 8th graders as a classroom teacher. My main goal as an educator is to support our middle school students on their journey to becoming happy, healthy, and productive contributing members of society.

Wisconsin School Counselor Association; American School Counselor Association

B.S. in Elementary/Middle Education with a Minor is Social Studies from the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire;

M.A. in K-12 School Counseling from Lakeland College

Professional Interests
Teen Mental Health, Digital Citizenship, Anxiety in Children, 16 Career Clusters, Mindfulness

Summer of 2011: Classroom Teacher / Counseling Practicum, Sydney, Australia;

1999-2011: Classroom Teacher, Pulaski Community Middle School

Mail Location

Student Center